Keep Going: How one small company played David to a lot of Goliaths - and won

"You don't anticipate somebody to be so aggressive in wanting to kick their competitors out."

Have a great story to tell? Want to be on the show? Email with the subject line Keep Going and I’ll schedule you. Thanks!

Nic Beique, founder and CEO of Helcim, shares the challenges his company faced in the payments industry and how they overcame them. They initially struggled to find a manufacturing partner and had their hardware supplier acquired by Stripe, leaving them without a source for their card readers.

However, they persevered and found a new partner and began to thrive. Beique emphasizes the importance of focusing on underserved businesses, such as healthcare and professional services, and providing them with transparent pricing and excellent customer service. He also highlights the value of honesty and transparency in building customer loyalty.

Our theme music is by Policy AKA Mark Buchwald. (